The Hidden Master
Status: First Draft
The teenage leader of an outlaw band must unite his country and orchestrate a questionable alliance in order to cast out cruel occupiers.
Status: revision
A girl outlaw must hide her illegal work from her secret police brother while saving him from a deadly mission he doesn’t know he’s been groomed for his whole life.

Status: Completed First Draft
Along with his stable boy friends, a mischievous inventor prince must save his kingdom from a princess who is set on marrying him to steal the throne.
Status: Completed First Draft
A stable boy bodyguard must solve a mystery to prove that his charge is not a murderer and to stop tension from escalating into war.

The Import
Status: Completed First Draft
The only boy in a dystopian society with a conscience must save his friend from death at the hands of the Society, while discovering what right and wrong is.
Dreams of Hope
Status: Completed First Draft
A crippled princess must challenge her cruel father for his throne by surviving an ancient test—a night in a deadly swamp.