Writer, are you discouraged? Burnt out? Ready to give up?

21 Days of Writing Encouragement can help.

You’ve sat in front of your laptop before, trying to get words down but coming up empty. You’ve faced writer’s block and perfectionism head on.

What if you could find motivation to ignite your writing? What if you had battleplans to face your writing monsters?

welcome to 21 Days of Writing Encouragement.

What is 21 Days?

21 Days of Writing Encouragement is a three-week-long challenge consisting of daily readings and related questions in a downloadable booklet.

Week one focuses on viewing your writing through the lens of a story and finding the courage to face the trials on your writing journey.

In week two, you’ll face your writing monsters–things like writer’s block and self-criticism–and learn to overcome them.

Week three explores how we can be Kingdom-minded writers and serve God with words that impact lives and the world.

My goal is that by the end of this challenge, you’ll be motivated to write with excellence for Christ!

What do other writers think?

“Your 21 Days of Writing Encouragement has encouraged me so, SO much. I can’t thank you enough for doing this!”


“I’m ready to get back into writing!”


“I’m already in love and this is day one! Thank you so much… I truly need this right now!”


Are you ready to reignite your writing?

Don’t settle for discouragement and give up on your dream. Writer, your words can change lives.

Earn Prizes By Sharing 21 Days!

If you’ve enjoyed 21 Days, you can earn fun prizes by sharing the downloadable booklet with others! What prizes do I speak of? Kingdom-minded note cards, writing monster bookmarks, and inspiring 21 Days phone wallpapers!

If these look like something you’d enjoy, all you have to do is share the PDF with a friend by sending them to this page: karliroth.com/21days. Then, fill out the following form to receive your thank you prize: https://forms.gle/NNGrFeYcdCNpAz1TA.

If you share 21 Days with a friend, thank you so much!!! I hope it will be a great blessing to other writers you know!